Examples for "little by little"
Examples for "little by little"
1He had it brought little by little carefully packed in sealed cases.
2The poison of sloth will get into the soul little by little.
3Proofs of the imposture were little by little discovered by the critics.
4The gas would burn quietly, and we should descend little by little.
5Then, little by little, the facts began to clarify in his mind.
1People jockeying for position, nudging their way across the flow, pressing forward or backward by small degrees.
2Mr, Peabody worked his way up by small degrees, from a clerk in America to a banker in London.
3He had begun by small degrees, just taking a nip now and then, till he had become-andthat very rapidly- aharddrinker.
4Translate: "and understand to what end the New Comedy was adopted, which by small degrees degenerated into a mere show of skill in mimicry."
5By small degrees it gathered pace.
1It gets into the soul; it is stagnation; you die by inches.
2Given that races are often won by inches, crabs are a no-no.
3He had got the door open by inches, but not far enough.
4Better be poisoned at once than die by inches in this way.
5It missed us by inches, but we got out of the way.
6His rocket fired anyway, missing me by inches, exploding several feet away.
7We have heard of dying by inches: this is living by inches.
8At Greenock one measures the rainfall not by inches, but by yards.
9The knife came down, missing him by inches, and he took off.
10It missed Complain by inches only, for he stood half behind it.
11Rivaldo's blistering effort beats the wall and clears the bar by inches.
12After all one may as well be drowned as die by inches.
13If so, you shall never have it, though we burn by inches.
14She was taller than Haven by inches, and broader through the shoulders.
15Instinctively, he leapt back and the metal pipe missed him by inches.
16He dug patiently, steadily, hour after hour, enlarging the hole by inches.